
Single Path

The combination of two signal types (a variable “chirp” signal and a continuous sine wave signal) enhances the accuracy and stability of the meter readings, preventing signal loss at high and low velocities.

The accuracy and reliability of this unique signal processing technology has been verified by CEESI and VSL. Achieving excellent performance in a broad spectrum of flare gas applications, the Fluenta FGM 160 Flare Gas Meter is the measurement solution of choice for many major companies in the Oil & Gas and Chemicals industry.

(주)지엔씨솔루션 l  대표이사: 정경운 l  사업자등록번호: 842-87-00972

주소: 경상북도 포항시 남구 청암로 67, 6102/3, 6201호 (효자동, 포항산업과학연구원 제6실험동)

TEL 054.614.0226 - FAX 054.603.0226 - Moble 010.8746.2439 -  E-mail kwjung@gnc-solution.co.kr

대표이사: 정경운 l  사업자등록번호: 842-87-00972

주소: 경상북도 포항시 남구 청암로 67, 6102/3, 6201호 
(효자동, 포항산업과학연구원 제6실험동)