GasEye Openpath is a single or multi-laser analyzer that utilizes tunable diode laser (TDL) absorption spectroscopy. The central unit sends a laser light through the process which is detected by the receiver unit mounted on the opposite side of the process. When a gas of interest is present in this process, it will absorb the laser light. The optical power detected in the receiver unit will depend on the concentration of the gas, temperature, pressure, and optical pathlength according to Lambert’s Beer law. Thus in order to determine the gas concentration, the analyzer requires information regarding temperature, pressure, and optical pathlength. Temperature and pressure signals can be provided by analog inputs, via industrial communication protocols, or as manual values via Webserver or HMI.
(주)지엔씨솔루션 l 대표이사: 정경운 l 사업자등록번호: 842-87-00972
주소: 경상북도 포항시 남구 청암로 67, 6102/3, 6201호 (효자동, 포항산업과학연구원 제6실험동)
TEL 054.614.0226 - FAX 054.603.0226 - Moble 010.8746.2439 - E-mail
대표이사: 정경운 l 사업자등록번호: 842-87-00972
주소: 경상북도 포항시 남구 청암로 67, 6102/3, 6201호
(효자동, 포항산업과학연구원 제6실험동)